Introducing Brokers Your Partner in Trading 

Designed to renumerate introduces on all levels of experience, clients or trading volume. 

Partners & Sub IB's with Ox Securities

Become an IB with Ox Securities

Ox Securities Introducing Broker (IB) Program

Partnerships and introducing brokers form a crucial part of the industry, and at OX Securities, we extend Partnership/IB Rebate opportunities to all our active clients. 

If you’re involved in a trading service or possess a network, we’re keen to collaborate with you as a partner to help grow your enterprise. 

Once your account is set up, becoming a partner is straightforward. Simply apply for an IB account via your client portal if you’re interested in partnering with us. 


Grow your network with OX Securities Partners

Start referring and earning with Ox Securities

Fast IB account opening in 3 easy steps


Sign up for a trading account using our fast and secure application form online


From inside your client area, apply to be an introducing broker


Start referring your contacts & clients using your own unique tracking link

Visit our Help Centre for more information:

  • Partnerships
  • How to Invite Customers